Meet the Artist

Hello there, My name is Dawi 

     Born and raised in the vibrant city of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, my soul was always drawn to the colors and stories found in art. Painting, drawing, crafts – anything that allowed me to express myself creatively became my playground. Perhaps it was the desert's vastness igniting my imagination, or the bustling souks overflowing with unique textures, but art became more than a hobby; it became my compass.

Fueled by this passion, I pursued a Bachelor's Degree in Art & Design, followed by a Master's in Fine Arts in Photography. This journey wasn't just about acquiring skills, it was about refining my perspective, capturing the world as my eyes saw it – a world imbued with magic and everyday wonders.

When I'm not creating, you'll find me lost in a good book, exploring new cultures, or unwinding with some yoga. Each experience feeds my artistic spirit, allowing me to approach each project with fresh eyes and a sprinkle of humor (because let's be honest, life's too short to be serious all the time!).

My ultimate goal? To capture the essence of a moment, to translate the emotions I see into something tangible that resonates with others. I strive to create a comfortable and enjoyable experience for my clients, because art is best shared and appreciated when hearts are open and laughter flows freely.

So, whether you're looking for a stunning portrait that captures your soul, a music photographer who can freeze the raw energy of a live performance, a skilled event photographer who documents your special moments, or a fine art enthusiast looking for a piece that sparks conversation, let's embark on a creative journey together!